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  • kingdom builders don’t look back

    kingdom builders don’t look back

    Awhile back, I was reading Luke 9, a passage about the cost of following Jesus, and it stopped me in my tracks. The passage is: Luke 9:57-62 57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”58 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have…

  • taking care of your mental health in college

    taking care of your mental health in college

    If you’re in college and battling mental health, you are not alone.  College presents new challenges for everyone. Being away from home, meeting new people and trying to make friends, a new course load, the weight of your future hanging over your head as people ask you what you want to do with your life…

  • 5 Things That Make My Life Easier In College

    5 Things That Make My Life Easier In College

    If you’re in college and want to make your life a little easier, this post is for you. Here are 5 things that have made my life easier as I navigate a hectic college schedule: My calendar I used to like having a physical planner, but now I love the convenience of my iPhone calendar.…

  • HOw To Thrive in Your Singleness

    HOw To Thrive in Your Singleness

    With this blog post coming out on Valentine’s Day, I thought, “What better topic to write about than singleness?!” 😂 I’ve heard a lot on the topic of singleness in the past couple weeks whether it be from a sermon at a young adults service or videos popping up on my YouTube or Instagram feed, so…

  • Experiences Don’t Dictate Who God Is

    Experiences Don’t Dictate Who God Is

    This post is a bit of a different format. I drafted it on my notes app over a year ago, not knowing it would ever end up being a blog post! My first semester of college, I was 6 and a half hours from home experiencing all sorts of change, homesickness, and disappointment. With all…

  • Taking Care of Your Physical Health in College

    Taking Care of Your Physical Health in College

    If you’re in college and have a hard time taking care of your physical health, you’re not alone.  I was going to make this a simple “3 easy steps” kinda post, but I feel the Lord pulling it in a different direction.   Because there’s two sides to this topic.  There’s one side where it’s obviously…

  • 3 Ways to Simplify Reading Your Bible

    3 Ways to Simplify Reading Your Bible

    If you consume any amount of Christian content on TikTok, YouTube, instagram, Pinterest, or any other social media platform, you’ve probably seen aesthetic ~bible time~ pictures or videos.  You know… the pretty bible with the color-coded highlights, the cute journal, the coffee (that’s never just black coffee, it’s always latte art?)  If you’re anything like…

  • Finding A Church In Your College Town

    Finding A Church In Your College Town

    My sweet older sister Jayne and dear friends Aubrey, Jaylen, and Moriah are contributors on this post! If you’ve been looking for a church to attend in your college town, you’re not alone. This post will go over some basic things to keep in mind when looking for a church as well as the real…

  • 5 Habits To BREAK This Semester

    5 Habits To BREAK This Semester

    Having a hard time adjusting from break back to school? You’re not alone. Isn’t it funny how we all say things like “I’m ready to get back into a routine” as we head back to our regularly scheduled lives after break, but when we actually get back to said routine, we realize we don’t love…