30 Free/Cheap Things To Do in College

This post is about 30 free/cheap things to do in college.

Tired of spending money every time you go out with friends?

You are not alone. 

My first semester of college, I said yes almost every time I was asked to go somewhere with friends. I was eager to meet people and had major F.O.M.O., so of course I just couldn’t say no! 

While I am obviously grateful for the time spent meeting new people and making friends, all the saying “yes” added up. 

Getting ice cream, going to a birthday dinner, trying a new sushi place, and of COURSE going to coffee shops because apparently that’s the number one thing to do in college?? It was all fun, but it was expensive. 

If you’ve ever found yourself thinking “Can I not just hang out with friends without spending money?”, I got you. 

Here are 30 Free (or super cheap) things to do in college. 

I separated the list into indoor/outdoor activities so you can easily come back to this page and find what you need based on what you’re in the mood for! (Also, most of these activities could be for a group of friends or something you could do by yourself if you wanted to!)

  1. Movie night (See My Top 6 Chick-Flicks)
  2. Board game night 
  3. Paint nails 
  4. Window shop (at the mall or cute boutiques)
  5. Cook a meal
  6. Support local businesses! Visit a bookstore, plant shop, candle shop, pottery store, etc.
  7. Have a vision board night
  8. Bake something
  9. Work out or take a class at your campus rec center
  10. Paint something
  11. Go thrifting 
  12. Volunteer somewhere 
  13. Play “we’re not really strangers” 
  14. Go to a free/cheap sporting event on campus
  15. Binge a TV series together
  16. Make friendship bracelets
  1. Go for a walk
  2. Have some fun with sidewalk chalk
  3. Read/study outside
  4. Swim!
  5. Drive with the windows down & blast music
  6. Hammock
  7. Attend a local farmers market, festival, fair, or parade!
  8. Mini golf- check for discounts/specials
  9. Dress up and take cute pictures somewhere scenic 
  10. Go hiking
  11. Take a tour of your college town (often times city tours are free!)
  12. Check out some garage sales
  13. Go bowling- check for student discount/college night
  14. Tie dye t-shirts

I get it, eating together is convenient because you already have to eat anyway so you might as well make it a hang-out. And when everyone’s got classes and other things going on, meal times can feel like the only times to socialize. Instead of going out to eat together, suggest:

  1. Eating together in the dining hall or somewhere on campus that accepts your campus’ version of dining dollars
  2. Having a picnic where everyone brings a simple side (fruit, veggies, snacks, etc.)
  3. Order pizza and have everyone chip in!

Now you have some ideas of things to do that won’t break the bank!

If you try any of them, leave a comment and let me know how it was! Comment more ideas you have of free or cheap things to do in college.💬


3 responses to “30 Free/Cheap Things To Do in College”

  1. Aubrey Avatar

    “we’re not really strangers” is a great idea, especially when you play with some awesome people ;). Walking is by far my favorite thing to do for free, it gets the body moving, fresh air, and I like to house hunt in nice neighborhoods if walking off campus!!

    1. simplyemmalaree Avatar

      Haha LOVE “we’re not really strangers”. House hunting! So fun!!

  2. Jaylen Dobelbower Avatar
    Jaylen Dobelbower

    I need this!