5 Habits To BREAK This Semester

Having a hard time adjusting from break back to school? You’re not alone.

Isn’t it funny how we all say things like “I’m ready to get back into a routine” as we head back to our regularly scheduled lives after break, but when we actually get back to said routine, we realize we don’t love being “back in the swing of things” so much? 🫠

As the new year and new school semester starts, you can find PLENTY of people telling you to change this and that, do this workout regimen… better yourself by building these habits… but I want to talk about some habits you may need to BREAK if you want a more successful semester. 

Break the habit of procrastination. 

I’m going to tell you something I heard from a friend that will change your academic LIFE: Getting your work done has nothing to do with motivation and everything to do with discipline. Stop waiting to feel motivated. You may never feel motivated to do your work, but you sure can be disciplined to do it. 

So how do you not procrastinate? Set times to get assignments done and DO THEM! 

Break the habit of not processing your emotions.

Get a journal. Write down your thoughts. Pray about your worries. Talk to trusted people. Stop suppressing or “logicalling your way out” of your emotions.😉

Break the habit of endless scrolling. 

It’s a waste of time and a distractor. Delete the apps you find yourself endlessly scrolling on if you need to, or consider implementing these disciplines:

  • Turn your phone on do-not-disturb while working (or studying or reading your Bible or whatever the task is) 
  • Don’t get on your phone right after waking up or an hour before going to bed. This will also help you break the next habit:

Break the habit of not getting enough sleep. 

I know, I know. Getting consistent sleep in college can feel like rocket science. I’m not going to tell you to go to bed early and wake up at 6am for a killer morning routine when I know that is not realistic for any college student I’ve met. You have homework to do, people to hang out with, and early morning classes to catch. 

While sleep is usually the first thing to go, it’s also one of the most important factors in how we function throughout the day.

So how can you get more sleep this semester?

Its all about the ~balance~, people. I find myself stressing out if I say “I HAVE to go to bed by 10pm” and that not happening, but it’s also not great for me to think “I’ll go to bed when I go to bed” because there’s no telling how long it will take me to feel tired. 

Instead, think about what time you want to go to bed (based on what time you need to wake up in the morning) and set a timer for an hour before then. (i.e. 11pm)

When that timer goes off, finish up whatever you’re working on (or whatever show you’re watching, etc) and make a conscious decision to be done for the day. No more screens, homework, or obligations. 

It doesn’t have to be all aesthetic, just get into a routine of things you do each night before going to bed so that your body will be trained to understand “sleep is coming” :)) 

This will help your morning routine go smoothly too 😉 Check out my post: 7 Habits that will Save Your Life in College

Be okay with saying no to an event if you know you’re gonna be out late and have something important the next day. I know F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out) sucks, but your future self will thank you. If you do decide to go to an event and you don’t want to stay late, be proactive and plan to either drive yourself so you can leave whenever you want or find someone that also wants to leave early and ride with them!

Break the habit of setting goals without a plan. 

The best way to build habits is to BUILD them. They don’t just come out of nowhere. Take the steps to think through HOW you’re going to accomplish your goals. 

Want to read your Bible more? Dedicate 15 minutes each day to that. 

Want to work out more? Put it on your calendar and find a work out plan that works for you. 

Want to eat healthier? Make a grocery list and plan out your meals. 

Read: My College Grocery Staples

Want to spend less money? Build a budget. 

Read: 30 Free/Cheap Things To Do In College

Decide the habits you want to build this semester and make a plan for how you will implement them.

So there you have it!

Rather than getting stuck in a rut as you head into another year, break some habits!!


