5 Things That Make My Life Easier In College

If you’re in college and want to make your life a little easier, this post is for you.

Here are 5 things that have made my life easier as I navigate a hectic college schedule:

My calendar

I used to like having a physical planner, but now I love the convenience of my iPhone calendar. I’ve been using it for the past couple years and I love that it’s portable- it’s with me everywhere I go so I can quickly see what I have planned! And it’s super customizable. I color code mine:

  • school
  • work
  • fun
  • appointments/meetings

I just loving having a visual of my day on there. It also syncs with my MacBook which is awesome for a weekly and monthly view! Having my calendar on my phone means I can easily add, delete, or change things without worrying about having a “pretty” planner.

good walking shoes

I LOVE walking and walk pretty much everywhere I can. I have put some good miles on my shoes and can’t recommend investing in a good pair of running/walking shoes enough.

The last two pairs I’ve had were Brooks and I love them! Good walking shoes are essential for walking from class to class in college.

plugging my phone in away from my bed

I’ve been slacking in this habit lately, but started implementing it again and have already noticed the pay-off!

Not only does plugging my phone in far away from my bed keep me from staying on it late at night (Read “5 Habits to Break This Semester”), it also forces me to get out of bed in the morning when my alarm goes off.

I highly recommend having a set time when you’re done with your phone for the day and plugging it in somewhere you’ll have to get out of bed to reach. Just make sure if you have roommates that you do actually get out of bed and stop your alarm when it goes off 😉

Doing Homework outside my room

I could get an assignment or two done in my room, but I know myself enough to know that if I need to get a project or some serious studying done, my room is not the place to do it. I’ll think about the laundry I need to do or what snack I could make myself or a number of other things. What makes my life easier is going somewhere like the library where I’ll have less distractions and be able to get to work.

meal planning

Now that I live off-campus and cook for myself, planning my meals is a
must. When I do this, I’m able to save money on groceries by only
buying what I need and not letting anything go to waste!

At the end of a long day, the last thing I want to think about is what I
should make for dinner. Having a list (that I make at the beginning of
each week) that I can quickly reference to know what I’m eating is
SUPER helpful. I typically meal prep too so dinners are even easier, but
meal planning alone saves me from decision fatigue or eating a “girl
dinner” as we call it, with very little nutrition.

I recently added these meal planning sheets on my Etsy shop that you
can print to help you track your meals!

So there you have it! 5 things that make my college life a little easier! Let me know which tip was your favorite and what YOU do to make your life easier!



