7 Questions To Ask Your Future Roommate 

This post is about 7 questions to ask your future roommate. 

If you don’t really know what to ask your soon-to-be roommate after you get past “where are you from?” and “how’s your summer?”, you’re not alone. 

Here are 7 questions/things to talk about with your future roommie:

1. Ask About Shared Items

If your dorm room doesn’t already come with a microwave or mini fridge, ask your roommate if they plan on bringing one so you can coordinate on who’s bringing what.

Other shared items to ask about in the room: rug, coffee maker, trash can, vacuum, any extra furniture

*TIP: Rather than splitting the cost of shared items, do your best to equally divide who’s buying what so there’s no disagreement about who gets to take said item when you move out. 😉

2. Do you want to coordinate on decor, or do our own things?

Some people couldn’t care less about room decor, some have been planning how they want to decorate their room for awhile, and others have been dreaming of a Pinterest-worthy matchy matchy dorm room.

Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, ask you roommate what they’re thinking so you can start planning.

*SUGGESTION: You don’t have to have identical sides of the room, but coordinating a similar color scheme can be easy and fun! My roommate and I both loved light blue so we made our room light blue and gray and had some similar decor pieces.

Speaking of colors, ask your roommie:

3. What’s your favorite color?

Okay, I know this sounds like something you ask on the third grade playground followed by “You wanna be friends?!”🤪, but this question can tell you a couple things:

One: If you have a similar favorite color, consider coordinating decor like mentioned above.

Two: Keep in mind for gift-giving! I find it so fun when I see a color and think of a person. Giving your roommate little things that are their favorite color is so cute and thoughtful if you ask me.🥹

4. Are you interested in lofting/bunking beds?

This can be a HUGE space saver in a dorm room! There’s pros and cons, but look up some inspo pics and see if this is something you and your roommate would be interested in. 

Check out the Simply Emma Laree Pinterest for dorm room inspo. There’s some pics of lofted/bunked beds ideas on there.

5. Are you a morning person or night owl?

This is just a fun question and good to know, but take it with a grain of salt- many people’s sleeping habits drastically change or take some getting used to in college.

Follow up question: around what time do you go to bed at night?

6. What are you going to miss the most about high school?

This helps you learn a little more about them and what’s important to them. 

7. What are you most excited for in college?

Just a fun question to see what they’re looking forward to and potentially getting involved with in college!

Ask your future roomie these 7 questions to get to know them better and start planning for your room. 

What other questions are you asking your roommate?





One response to “7 Questions To Ask Your Future Roommate ”

  1. Aubrey Avatar

    One question I found helpful was asking my roommates what they were interested to try once they got to college. This allowed e to learn about campus activities I hadn’t heard of yet, get a peek int their interests, and see if we had anything in common we could try together. I love all of these ideas!