Things That Helped Me When College Was Hard

If you just started college and it’s harder than you thought it would be, you’re not alone.

If you’ve been at your school for awhile and you’re walking through some hard things, you’re not alone.

My first semester of college was a lot harder than I anticipated.
See: What God Taught Me My First Year of College

Yes I was homesick, but I also experienced loneliness, disappointment, and even questioned if I chose the right school.

Here are 6 things that helped me when college was hard:

1. Listening to worship music

The music you listen to affects your mood. When I started listening to positive, upbeat music, I noticed a difference. And, when I started listening to primarily worship music- constantly reminding myself of TRUTH- I noticed a difference.

It was easier to take my thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and hold them accountable to God’s word. I started speaking truth over my circumstances and thoughts.

These were on repeat for me:

You’ll notice a common theme in most of these songs- they remind us that God is constant. He is always with us. Which brings me to the next thing that helped me when college was hard: 

2. Remembering That When Everything around me is changing, God is the same.

When your friends and home and classes and so many things are changing- God is not.

I made an entire post about this you can read HERE.

3. Getting Outside

Y’all. When the weather is nice, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!!!

Take a walk, study outside, or just sit and read or listen to music. I could tell you all about the science behind it, but trust me-
vitamin D = good for the soul ☀️🥰

4. Working Out

Be careful with this one- I did this because I felt energized and refreshed after working out. Not to attain a number on a scale, or to be “skinny”, or to get a guy’s attention.

If you struggle with this, consider asking a friend to be your workout buddy so you’re reminded that working out can be fun and serve a healthy purpose.

There weren’t many problems I had that I couldn’t solve (or at least feel better about) after speed-walking on a treadmill while calling my mom or a friend on the phone.🤪

Word of wisdom for those that may be intimidated to work out at the campus gym: you don’t need to worry about what others think of you because they have the same worry themselves. Crazy how that works, right?😉

5. Staying in the Word

I could not have made it through my first semester of college (or any season of life) without reading God’s word.

Some verses that really encouraged me first semester:

Philippians 4:6-8
Psalm 46:1-3
Luke 12:25-26
Hebrews 13:8 (I mention this one a lot on the blog :))
Ephesians 2:4-10
Romans 8:15

I encourage you to look these up, write them down, and lean on them when things are hard.

I’ve also made some free wallpapers of these verses that you can find on my instagram!

Reading your bible doesn’t have to look like having a 30 minute quiet time every morning. It can look like your bible app being the first app you open on your phone every day. It can look like setting aside 5 minutes each day to meditate on one verse.

It can look like whatever you want it to look like! God gives us His word and wants to speak to us through it. So open it up. And remind yourself of truth when things are hard.

6. Talking About It!

In case you haven’t noticed by now, the huge “WHY” and heart behind this blog is to remind you YOU’RE NOT ALONE.

I would love to say that anything you’re feeling I’ve felt before. While I like to think I’m pretty relatable, I haven’t experienced every human emotion. But you know what blows my mind? Jesus has.

I am so thankful for a savior that understands us. He has felt the deepest pain, experienced loss and grief, was betrayed by friends, was persecuted. He knows what it’s like to walk through hard things. So whatever you’re navigating- the highest highs and lowest lows- Jesus has been there. He gets you. You’re not alone.

And on TOP of that, a lot of people do feel the same way you do, there just may not be conversation about it. 

I tried to hold the weight of homesickness and fear of the unknown on my own at the start of my freshman year. It wasn’t until I got honest with myself and others that I started to feel better.

Just to be real real- I remember crying on the phone with my mom (many times) but one time in particular, my wise mom said "Emma, it's okay to say you're not LOVING it" ('it' being the whole ~college experience~)
I broke down and said, "I'M NOT LOVING IT!😂" laughing through tears. 

After that conversation, I felt more free. Free to feel the way I felt and not feel bad for it, even when it felt like no one else could relate. 

Because college is hard.😅 It’s not like the movies. Or instagram. It’s not always the best time ever. And that’s okay. You’re not the only one struggling. Don’t be afraid to talk about it.

I pray these resources help and encourage you when college is hard.

So go blast some worship music, remember that your God is the same God, get outside, take a walk, call a friend, stay rooted in the Word, and don’t be afraid to talk about how you’re really feeling! You’re never alone.