Category: College Life

  • My College Grocery Staples

    My College Grocery Staples

    This post includes my college grocery staples- the things I typically have in my pantry or fridge that help me eat semi-healthy in college. If you’re in college and wondering how on earth you’re supposed to balance a busy schedule and eating healthy on a budget (or in a dining hall), you are not alone.…

  • What To Do When You’re Sick In College

    What To Do When You’re Sick In College

    This post is about what to do when you’re sick in college. No one likes being sick, but it’s especially hard when you’re in college and navigating classes and a busy schedule and trying to take care of yourself on your own. Well- you’re not alone. 😉 I’m here to give you some tips on…

  • Things That Helped Me When College Was Hard

    Things That Helped Me When College Was Hard

    If you just started college and it’s harder than you thought it would be, you’re not alone. If you’ve been at your school for awhile and you’re walking through some hard things, you’re not alone. My first semester of college was a lot harder than I anticipated. See: What God Taught Me My First Year…

  • Habits that will Save Your Life in College

    Habits that will Save Your Life in College

    If you’re in college and navigating it all— classes, roommates, a social life, work, eating and getting enough sleep— you’re not alone.  A lot of times when I sit down to draft a blog post, I think of advice I would give my freshman year self. As I thought about this these past few weeks…

  • 5 Ways to Keep your Dorm Room Lookin’ Fresh

    5 Ways to Keep your Dorm Room Lookin’ Fresh

    This post covers 5 ways you can keep your dorm room (or any room, really) lookin’ fresh! If you’re living in a tiny dorm room and wondering, “how am I gonna keep this place clean?”, you’re not alone.  Or maybe you’re thinking, “Emma, why are you writing about how to keep a dorm room clean…

  • 10 Ways to Get Involved in College

    10 Ways to Get Involved in College

    This post covers 10 ways you can get involved and feel more connected on your college campus.  Whether you just got to college and are realizing getting involved is harder than it was in high school, OR you’ve been at college for a bit and still just don’t really feel like you’re “a part” of…

  • When All Is Changing, God is the Same.

    When All Is Changing, God is the Same.

    Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Matthew 28:20 And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. – If you don’t like change, I have good news for you: GOD DOES NOT CHANGE. This truth got me through my first semester of college. When…

  • My Top 6 Must-Watch Chick-Flicks

    My Top 6 Must-Watch Chick-Flicks

    This post gives you six chick-flicks that won’t disappoint for a girl’s night in.  If you’re looking for a fun chick-flick/rom-com to watch with your friends, you’re not alone. Here are my top 6 must-see chick-flicks counting down from six: 6. Valentine’s Day This is just a staple to watch on Valentine’s Day each year.…

  • 10 ways to maximize your college experience

    10 ways to maximize your college experience

    This post is about 10 simple ways to get the most out of your college experience. If you’re in college, chances are you’re only there for a few years and you’re spending a lot of money to be there. SO, you might as well make the most of your time in college. Here are 10 ways…