Habits that will Save Your Life in College

If you’re in college and navigating it all— classes, roommates, a social life, work, eating and getting enough sleep— you’re not alone. 

A lot of times when I sit down to draft a blog post, I think of advice I would give my freshman year self.

As I thought about this these past few weeks being back in college, I thought of a LOT of things. How to handle this, how to navigate that… but rather than spewing off a long list of advice, I compiled some daily habits I would tell myself to implement that would help my overall college experience in many ways. 

So… here are 7 habits that will change the game for you in college!

1. Wake up at a decent hour

I’m telling you right now- it will blow. your. mind. how much you can do in the morning and how great you’ll feel the rest of the day if you start your day off right.

Whether you have 8ams or afternoon classes, it’s always good to not sleep your time away. Let’s talk more about this:

2. Create a Morning Routine You Love

Do things in the morning that will fuel you for the day- eat a healthy breakfast, stretch, go for a walk, work out, make your bed, read your bible- whatever it is for you, create a morning routine you love and look forward to every day! 

This doesn’t have to look the same every day. If you get bored on routine, change it up! For example, you could work out some days, and spend extended time reading scripture on others. I remember eating breakfast in the dining hall some days and doing a simple breakfast in my dorm on others so I wasn’t getting tired of the same food!

3. create a weekly to do list at the start of each week

As someone who tends to be pretty forgetful, this is something I’ll probably do till the day I die.🤪

I have found it SO helpful to take 5 to 10 minutes on a Sunday evening to jot down all my due dates for the week. It’s one thing to look at assignments on a weekly calendar, it’s another to see everything laid out in one spot. 

I have a tiny notebook I keep in my backpack that just has a simple to-do list of assignments for the week. I’ll take it out every time I do homework to decide what needs to be done first.

You can do as little or as much with this as you want. You can put the due dates next to each assignment, highlight by class or due dates, whatever works best for you. 

I’ve seen people keep track of all their assignments in a spreadsheet and organize it by due dates. I love the satisfaction of crossing something out on paper, but do what works best for you!

4. Take advantage of weekends

If you live close to home, you may be tempted to go home every weekend, but I highly recommend utilizing your weekends as a reset.

Catch up on homework, see what your college town or university has to offer on weekends, go to a local church, and freshen up your dorm/living space! (read: 5 Ways to Keep Your Dorm Room Lookin’ Fresh)

5. Take advantage of time between classes

I talk about this in my 10 Ways to Maximize Your College Experience post. 

Something that comes as a surprise to many college freshmen is the structure of their day. Most of the time, you’re not going from class to class like you were in high school.

This can be a blessing and a curse.😅 You have the freedom to choose how you’re spending your time. 

When you have a daily habit of checking your phone or going back to your room after every class, you’re probably not maximizing your time in the best way you can. 

You don’t have to be on the productivity grind 24/7, but consider knocking out an assignment like a discussion board post or reply (ya know, the ones we all know and love🥲) while you wait for your next class to start. 

There were many days last year I went back to my dorm and took a nap between classes (something I truly miss living off-campus this year!), and while I don’t encourage this every day, if you have time between classes and could benefit from a power nap, there’s no shame in taking a nap to help you make it through the day! 

Another way you can take advantage of this time is:

6. Call home while walking/driving to class

I think it’s great to set aside intentional time to call family and friends back home, but it’s also really challenging as a busy college student.

I loved (and still love!) calling my mom whenever I get a chance to catch her up on everything and hear about what’s going on at home. (LOVE YOU, MOM!)

This doesn’t have to be a daily habit, but I think it’s so easy to add on to an already busy schedule.

If your friends and family are working or at school during the day, shoot them a text letting them know you’re thinking of them and want to catch up! 

7. take time each day to Unwind and refuel

Taking some time at the end of each day to do something that replenishes your battery is a great way to maintain your energy throughout the week.

This could be something as simple as sitting outside for 10 minutes before going back to your dorm room, treating yourself to a coffee after an exam, or taking a nice long shower after a stressful day! Take the time you need to unwind from the way and prepare for the next.

Implementing these daily and weekly habits will help you find a balance in all the craziness of college life.

What other habits do you have that aid in your success in college?






2 responses to “Habits that will Save Your Life in College”

  1. Aubrey Avatar

    This post brings me so much satisfaction as a productive, type A, enneagram 1, to-do list lover, and avid routinist. I think all of these are great habits to start and it reminds me of this theory I just heard about. Habit stacking is the idea of stacking habits or killing two birds with one stone. An example of this would be like the idea you gave of calling someone while on a walk or listening to a lecture recording while putting away laundry. I was completing habit stacking without realizing but now that I know it’s a thing I might try it in other areas.

    1. simplyemmalaree Avatar

      Yes! Love it! I felt like a productivity QUEEN when I would listen to my bio audio textbook while folding laundry!😂