Tag: college advice

  • 5 Habits To BREAK This Semester

    5 Habits To BREAK This Semester

    Having a hard time adjusting from break back to school? You’re not alone. Isn’t it funny how we all say things like “I’m ready to get back into a routine” as we head back to our regularly scheduled lives after break, but when we actually get back to said routine, we realize we don’t love…

  • Putting God FIRST in 2024

    Putting God FIRST in 2024

    To be completely honest, I slacked in prioritizing my relationship with God as 2023 ended.  I wrapped up my busiest semester of college yet, came home for a winter break filled with family get-togethers and Christmas festivities, and completely neglected spending time with God. I even had an advent bible reading plan I was really…

  • When College Isn’t Going How You Hoped It Would

    When College Isn’t Going How You Hoped It Would

    This post talks about when college isn’t going how you hoped it would. So, you’ve been in college for a minute now. And it’s alright, but not quite what you thought it would be. Maybe that organization you were looking forward to being a part of isn’t all it was cracked up to be. Maybe…

  • Flying Alone 101

    Flying Alone 101

    This post is packed with tips for flying alone and will walk you through step-by-step of navigating an airpot and having a good flight. As an out-of-state college student that typically flies home for breaks, I’ve had lots of experience navigating airports and flying by myself, and understand how nerve-wracking it can be to fly…

  • 20+ Study Tips from 20 College Students

    20+ Study Tips from 20 College Students

    Almost every time I ask someone what topic they would want to read about on a college blog, they mention studying. If you’ve thought things like this before: “I don’t have time to study.” “I spend too much time studying and still don’t do well on tests.” “I didn’t really have to study in high school,…

  • Making Time for God in College

    Making Time for God in College

    This post is about simple steps you can take to grow closer to God in college.  If you’re a college student (or anyone with a crazy schedule) and wondering how to pursue and maintain a relationship with God within your busy schedule, you’re not alone.  I think a lot of times we complicate our relationship…

  • What To Do When You’re Sick In College

    What To Do When You’re Sick In College

    This post is about what to do when you’re sick in college. No one likes being sick, but it’s especially hard when you’re in college and navigating classes and a busy schedule and trying to take care of yourself on your own. Well- you’re not alone. 😉 I’m here to give you some tips on…

  • Things That Helped Me When College Was Hard

    Things That Helped Me When College Was Hard

    If you just started college and it’s harder than you thought it would be, you’re not alone. If you’ve been at your school for awhile and you’re walking through some hard things, you’re not alone. My first semester of college was a lot harder than I anticipated. See: What God Taught Me My First Year…

  • Habits that will Save Your Life in College

    Habits that will Save Your Life in College

    If you’re in college and navigating it all— classes, roommates, a social life, work, eating and getting enough sleep— you’re not alone.  A lot of times when I sit down to draft a blog post, I think of advice I would give my freshman year self. As I thought about this these past few weeks…