Tag: college lessons

  • When College Isn’t Going How You Hoped It Would

    When College Isn’t Going How You Hoped It Would

    This post talks about when college isn’t going how you hoped it would. So, you’ve been in college for a minute now. And it’s alright, but not quite what you thought it would be. Maybe that organization you were looking forward to being a part of isn’t all it was cracked up to be. Maybe…

  • Flying Alone 101

    Flying Alone 101

    This post is packed with tips for flying alone and will walk you through step-by-step of navigating an airpot and having a good flight. As an out-of-state college student that typically flies home for breaks, I’ve had lots of experience navigating airports and flying by myself, and understand how nerve-wracking it can be to fly…

  • 20+ Study Tips from 20 College Students

    20+ Study Tips from 20 College Students

    Almost every time I ask someone what topic they would want to read about on a college blog, they mention studying. If you’ve thought things like this before: “I don’t have time to study.” “I spend too much time studying and still don’t do well on tests.” “I didn’t really have to study in high school,…

  • 10 Ways to Get Involved in College

    10 Ways to Get Involved in College

    This post covers 10 ways you can get involved and feel more connected on your college campus.  Whether you just got to college and are realizing getting involved is harder than it was in high school, OR you’ve been at college for a bit and still just don’t really feel like you’re “a part” of…

  • When All Is Changing, God is the Same.

    When All Is Changing, God is the Same.

    Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Matthew 28:20 And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. – If you don’t like change, I have good news for you: GOD DOES NOT CHANGE. This truth got me through my first semester of college. When…

  • What God Taught Me My First Year of College

    What God Taught Me My First Year of College

    This post is about the things the Lord taught me my freshman year of college. I don’t know if you’re stumbling across this post well after it was posted but THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG POST! 😆 The Lord gave me the idea of starting a blog back in January when I was dreaming about…