What To Do When You’re Sick In College

This post is about what to do when you’re sick in college.

No one likes being sick, but it’s especially hard when you’re in college and navigating classes and a busy schedule and trying to take care of yourself on your own.

Well- you’re not alone. 😉 I’m here to give you some tips on what to do when you’re sick in college.

Accept the fact that you might need to miss class.

Maybe this isn’t something you would be worried about, but if you’re like me and worry about missing something in class- hear this:

Your health is more important.💕

Review your syllabi for what the procedure is for each class when you’re sick. Most professors WANT you to stay home if you’re feeling even remotely sick. Some want you to email, others just care that you turn stuff in, so checking the syllabus is always a good idea.

Communicate and ask a friend for notes.

You can do your best to still submit online assignments and do what you can while out of class, but don’t freak out over missing a class or two.

It WILL be okay. Rest and get better.☺️

Accept Help From Others!

If you’re blessed enough to have a caring roomie or friend or small group leader that is offering to help you out, LET THEM!!

I don’t know why, but I felt like I was a baby when people offered to help me when I was sick (drive me places, get medicine, get me water, whatever it may be) but that’s not true! Be thankful when you have those sweet helpers in your life🥹 (And BE that sweet helper for your roomie/friend when they need it 😉)

Now for some more obvious tips…

Take Medicine.

I’m not giving medical advice on this blog, but DayQuil has saved my life a couple times.😅

Be sure that you check to see if you can take two medications together, or if your medicine already contains acetaminophen or ibuprofen. You don’t want to double up on anything.  

When in doubt, ask your mom, aunt or grandma!☺️

Drink Water.

Increasing your water intake will help replace the fluids you lose when you’re sick (congestion, fever, vomiting). Oftentimes the medicine you take can dry out your system, so drinking extra water can help with this as well!

Yes, rest. but also…

Sometimes it’s best to get your body moving a bit!

I remember feeling under the weather after getting back from spring break, where I had been sitting on a plane and in a car for hourssss. What I thought was body aches and me getting sick was really just my body feeling sore from not moving for hours on end.🤪

I woke up thinking my hips were going to disintegrate, but after walking around campus, I started feeling a lot better!

It can be hard, but listen to your body and think about whether sleeping or walking around a bit and stretching will help you feel better. (Often times, it’s a bit of both😉)

Also, remember that “resting” doesn’t mean hours of screen time. Truly getting to the point where you feel better usually requires SLEEP. Your body does a lot of work for you when you sleep, so let it!

That’s it! Save this post for the next time you’re under the weather. Wishing you all the best and praying you get well soon! 

What else do you do when you’re sick to get better?



